Hi fellow Rubyists!

active_record_doctor is a tool that helps you identify database issues
before they hit production. I've just released 1.7.1 which contains the
following improvements over 1.6.0:

   - New feature: detect incorrect boolean column presence validations
   (they must always use inclusion/exclusion instead of presence validators).
   - Enhancement: support view-backed models in undefined_table_references.
   - Bug fix: don't report missing presence validations on boolean columns
   if they're properly validated for inclusion/exclusion.
   - Bug fix: don't report missing presence validations if the validation
   is defined on the association instead of the foreign key column.
   - Bug fix: report missing non-NULL constraints on foreign keys when the
   presence validation is defined on the association.
   - Bug fix: make missing_unique_indexes work in Rails 6 (thanks for
   Hrvoje Šimić for the fix).
   - Bug fix: fix a bug in missing_non_null_constraint that resulted in
   false positives (thanks for Artem Chubchenko for the fix).

All feedback welcome!

Greg Navis

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