[Apologies for cross-posting]

/IMPORTANT NOTE: The conference general chairs together with the program chairs and the ALP Executive, have decided to hold ICLP2020 as a fully virtual conference on the original week. More details will be forthcoming. /

*Call for papers - Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track**
**ICLP 2020 - The 36th International Conference on Logic Programming*
September 18 - September 24, 2020
University of Calabria, Rende, Italy

The program committee of the 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) invites submissions of published journal papers and papers presented at related conferences for the Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss important results related to logic programming that appeared since 2018 in selective journals or were presented at related conferences, but that have not been previously presented at ICLP.
The goal of this track is two-fold:
1. To provide authors an opportunity to present at the conference important results published in journals that might otherwise not be submitted to the conference due to their length and complexity. Papers that differ from traditional ICLP format and topics are welcome. 2. To broaden the program with lines of work at the intersection between logic programming and related fields such as for example constraint programming, operations research, control, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, multi-agent systems, robotics, computer games, and cognitive science. Papers that use logic programming in some innovative way are welcome.

Paper Presentations:
All accepted submissions will be presented orally during the conference - at least one author is expected to register to ICLP 2020 and to present the paper in person. Complete citations and URLs of the original papers (if available from the publisher) will be published on the ICLP 2020 web site as a permanent reference. A 2-page extended abstract summarizing the line of research leading to the presented results can optionally be submitted for presentation in the technical communications of ICLP.

Submission Requirements:
Submissions must meet the following criteria:
• Candidate papers must be published in a journal such as (but not limited to) AIJ, ACM TOCL, JAIR, or other leading journals or  in the proceedings of related conferences such as KR, LPNMR, AAMAS, AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ICAPS, SAT, ICML, ICDT, PODS, VLDB, WWW, ISWC, ESWC, DL, JELIA, SAT, POPL, PADL, LICS, etc.
• Candidate papers must have appeared since 2018.
• Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final camera-ready version is available at some URL (such as, ArXiv). • Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at ICLP (or co-located Workshops) are not eligible for this track.

Submission Process:
All submissions will be done via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=iclp20200). The submission will be in the following format: • Title and authors of the work for the ICLP Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track (to be published on the Web - see note below about title and authors);
• An accompanying letter containing:
     • Complete bibtex reference of the original paper (only 1 reference!) (to be published on the Web) + a URL where the paper can be downloaded from the publisher (if available) (to be published on the Web);      • An explanation of why this paper is interesting to the logic programming community (at most 1 page in PDF). • The original paper (in PDF) (for reviewers only, it will not be posted on the Web because of copyright issues) because some reviewers could be   at universities that don’t have contracts with publishers, such as,   Elsevier, Cambridge Publishing, ACM, etc. • Optional: only if the authors wish to publish an extended abstract in the technical communications of ICLP2020 please submit a 2-page extended   abstract of the paper (PDF in EPTCS format http://style.eptcs.org/) for the ICLP Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track (note: we will
  ask for the LaTex sources after the notification).
Note: the 2 pages abstract should not contain new material since this is just a report of a publication in a related conference. The title should be a bit different than the original publication (since it would look odd to have a paper with the same title, but much shorter after the original publication), such as, add Report or Summary in the title. It is not necessary to radically change it. The authors should be the same and in the same order with respect to the original publication. The papers in this track will be grouped under a subsection Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track, so other researchers can see that this is a report on the original publication. We advise authors to start the paper with a sentence stating that this abstract is a report or summary of the original publication (with immediately citing that work).

Evaluation criteria:
Submissions will go through a peer review selection process. Selection criteria include significance of the results and relevance to the logic programming community.

Important Dates:
Abstract registration (regular papers): May 8, 2020
Paper submission (regular paper): May 15, 2020 Notification to authors (regular paper): June 19, 2020
Paper Submission (short papers): June 30, 2020
Revision submission (TPLP papers): July 6, 2020
Final notifications (TPLP papers): July 17, 2020
Camera-ready copy due: July 27, 2020
Main Conference starts: September 19, 2020

Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track Chairs:
Paul Fodor, Stony Brook University
Marco Maratea, University of Genova


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