Call for Papers

Declarative AI 2021:

Rules, Reasoning, Decisions and Explanations

Leuven, 8-15 September 2021



Declarative AI is the leading international conference on the blending of
rules, reasoning, AI, decisions, rule-based machine learning and
explanations. It will take place from 8-15 September, virtually from Leuven
(Belgium). One of the main goals of the conference is to build bridges
between academia and industry in the area of rule-based reasoning and
applications. The event aims at presenting the latest advancements in AI and
rules, reasoning, decisions, semantic web and their adoption in information


Declarative AI 2020 brings together:


* the 5th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR
2021): The leading conference in rule-based reasoning and learning, devoted
to theoretical advancements, novel technologies, and innovative applications
of knowledge representation and reasoning with rules, including:


o General Research Track and Industry Track. High-quality papers related to
research and artificial intelligence applications that involve rule-based
representation and reasoning are solicited. The proceedings of the
conference is published with Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Series. The conference can be looked up in the widely recognized
CORE Rank under the acronym RuleML, used before its merger with the RR


o the 15th famous International Rule Challenge, presenting innovative
rule-based tools, demos and applications, related to the RuleML+RR 2021


o the Doctoral Consortium, to attract and promote student research in
Artificial Intelligence, especially research on rule-based formalisms and
reasoning. It offers students at an early or intermediate stage of their
research a close contact with leading experts in the field, as well as the
opportunity to present and discuss their ideas in a dynamic and friendly

RuleML+RR Call for Papers:


* the 8th DecisionCAMP 2021: Symposium of leading decision management
authorities, researchers, vendors, and practitioners, to discuss the current
state of the Decision Management practice, the use of the DMN standard,
real-world cases and their solutions supported by various DM tools. Target
audience: Digital decisioning practitioners (Business Analysts, Business
Experts, Developers or Architects). 

DecisionCAMP Call for Presentations:


* the 17th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2021): The Reasoning Web Summer
School disseminates recent advancements in Semantic Web and Linked Data
applications. It is primarily intended for postgraduate or PhD researchers,
young and senior researchers. 

RW Summer School Call for Applications:


Keynote speakers:

* Prof. Alon Y. Halevy, Director at Facebook AI

* other keynote speakers to be announced soon


Important dates:

* June 13: Submission deadline RW Summer School

* June 18: Submission deadline RuleML+RR, DecisionCAMP

* July 24: Rule Challenge submission deadline


Core organization team:

* Declarative AI 2021 General Chair: Jan Vanthienen (KU Leuven, Belgium)


* RuleML+RR 2021 Chairs: Sotiris Moschoyiannis (Department of Computer
Science, University of Surrey, UK), Rafael Penaloza Nyssen (University of
Milano-Bicocca, Italy)

o Industry Track Chairs: Nikolay Nikolov (SINTEF, Norway), Ioan Toma (ONLIM,

o Rule Challenge 2021 Chairs: Alireza Tamaddoni Nezhad (University of
Surrey, UK), Ahmet Soylu (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)

o Proceedings Chair: Dumitru Roman (SINTEF AS / University of Oslo, Norway)

o Doctoral Consortium Chairs: Anna Fensel (University of Innsbruck,
Austria), Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven, Belgium)


* DecisionCAMP 2021 Chair: Jacob Feldman (OpenRules, USA)


* Reasoning Web 2021 Chairs: Mantas Simkus (Institute of Logic and
Computation, TU Wien, Austria), Ivan Varzinczak (CRIL, Université d’Artois &
CNRS, France)


Thanks to our partners and sponsors: KU Leuven - Artificial Intelligence
Journal (AIJ) – Springer LNCS – Leuven.AI


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