FROM 2022 - Working Formal Methods Symposium
      Iasi, Romania, 19-20 September 2022
       in conjunction with WOLLIC 2022

FROM aims to bring together  researchers and practitioners who work on
formal  methods  by  contributing new  theoretical  results, methods,
techniques, and frameworks, and/or make  the formal methods to work by
creating or using software tools that apply theoretical contributions.

FROM  symposiums  are organized  by  the  Faculty of  Mathematics and
Computer  Science  of the  University  of  Bucharest, the Faculty of
Mathematics  and Computer  Science of  the Babes-Bolyai University of
Cluj-Napoca, the  Faculty of  Computer Science  of the  Alexandru Ioan
Cuza University of  Iasi, and the Faculty of  Mathematics and Computer
Science of the West University of Timișoara.

FROM 2022  is the sixth event  in a yearly workshop  series. The first
edition was held in 2017 in  Bucharest, the second edition was held in
2018 in  Iaşi, the third  edition was held  in 2019 in  Timişoara. The
fourth edition was organized in Cluj-Napoca in 2020 as a virtual event
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The fifth edition (2021), in Timişoara,
was also organized  as a virtual event.  The program  of the symposium
includes invited  lectures and  regular contributions. Submissions on
the general  topics of  formal methods, theoretical  computer science,
logic and applications are welcome.

Important Dates (AoE)
Abstract submission (extended):    July 18, 2022
Paper submission (extended):    July 25, 2022
Author notification:    August 25, 2022

Topics of interest
Areas and formalisms of interest include:
+ Category theory in computer science
+ Distributed systems and concurrency
+ Formal languages and automata theory
+ Formal modelling, verification and testing
+ Logic in computer science
+ Logical frameworks
+ Mathematical structures in computer science
+ Models of computation
+ Semantics of programming languages
+ Type systems
+ Domain Science and Engineering

Methods of interest include:
+ Automated reasoning and model generation
+ Automated induction
+ Certified programs
+ Data-flow and control-flow analysis
+ Deductive verification
+ Mechanized proofs
+ Model checking
+ Proof mining
+ Symbolic computation
+ Term rewriting

Applications of interest include:
+ Computational logic
+ Computer mathematics
+ Knowledge representation, ontology reasoning, deductive databases
+ Program analysis
+ Verification and synthesis of software and hardware
+ Uncertainty reasoning and soft computing

Accepted research  papers should  be presented  at the  conference and
will be  published in the  Electronic Proceedings in  Computer Science
series We  intend to invite authors  of the best
original  contributions --  regular  or short  --  to submit extended
versions to  a special issue of  a journal. For previous editions, we
published  selected  papers  in  Fundamenta  Informaticae  (2018) and
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (2019).


Papers of  up to  16 pages  prepared according  to the  EPTCS template  must  be   submitted  electronically through

Research papers  must contain original research  results not submitted
and  not published  elsewhere. Authors  who  want to  present work in
progress or  discuss new aspects or  a survey of their  older research
results at the workshop are welcome to submit an extended abstract (up
to 8  pages). Papers  will be  refereed and accepted  on the basis of
their scientific merit and relevance to the symposium's topics.


The planned registration fee  is  100  Euro.  It  covers  the symposium
kit, refreshments during breaks, lunches, symposium dinner, publication.

Invited Speakers
Dines Björner, Technical University of Denmark
Denisa Diaconescu, University of Bucharest  & Runtim Verification Inc.
Thomas Genet, University of Rennes
Ioana Leustean, University of Bucharest
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Luigia Petre,  Åbo Akademi University

Program Committee
Andrei Arusoaie, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Dines Björner, Technical Univesity of Denmark
Florin Craciun, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Catalin Dima, Université Paris-Est Créteil
Madalina Erascu, West University of Timisoara & e-Austria Institute
Laurentiu Leustean, University of Bucharest
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Simona Motogna, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
David Nowak, CNRS & University of Lille
Peter Csaba Ölveczky, University of Oslo
Corina Pasareanu, Nasa & Carnegie Mellon University
Luigia Petre, Åbo Akademi University
Vlad Rusu, INRIA Lille (chair)
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University of Koblenz-Landau

Organising Committee
Andrei Arusoaie, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Rodica Bozianu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
Vlad Rusu, INRIA Lille

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