Instead of using a for statement, try looping over a custom iterator that
returns an Enum.

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Andrew Poelstra <>

> Hi guys,
> Take is an iterator adaptor which cuts off the contained iterator after
> some number of elements, always returning None.
> I find that I need to detect whether I'm getting None from a Take
> iterator because I've read all of the elements I expected or because the
> underlying iterator ran dry unexpectedly. (Specifically, I'm parsing
> some data from the network and want to detect an early EOM.)
> This seems like it might be only me, so I'm posing this to the list: if
> there was a function Take::is_done(&self) -> bool, which returned whether
> or not the Take had returned as many elements as it could, would that be
> generally useful?
> I'm happy to submit a PR but want to check that this is appropriate for
> the standard library.
> Thanks
> Andrew
> --
> Andrew Poelstra
> Mathematics Department, University of Texas at Austin
> Email: apoelstra at
> Web:
> "If they had taught a class on how to be the kind of citizen Dick Cheney
>  worries about, I would have finished high school."   --Edward Snowden
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