On 5/31/14 10:36 AM, Tommi wrote:
It certainly feels like a failure of the Rust type system that you
cannot have multiple mutating references to the same variable when
the variable is accessed only from a single thread. I know the reason
for this is to prevent iterator invalidation, but this is too blunt
of an instrument.

No. Iterator invalidation is not the only reason.

Iterator invalidation (as it's known in C++) is a risk to memory
safety only when some of the memory that is accessible through an
iterator (or a reference) is deallocated. A better type system would
make a distinction between those expressions that may deallocate and
those that cannot. Then, when multiple mutating references pointed to
the same variable, the compiler would disallow only the use of the
potentially deallocating expressions through those references.

Again, this is wrong. Iterator invalidation is the way I like to explain the rule, but it is by no means the only thing that can go wrong if you have two &mut references to the same location. If you have two &mut pointers to the same memory address, it is quite easy to write cast::transmute in safe code without any iterators or memory being deallocated at all.

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