On 6/19/14 4:59 AM, SiegeLord wrote:
Regardless, bignum and linear-algebra are prime candidates for operator
overloading, but the way it is done now by most implementations is just
unsatisfactory. Maybe bignums in std::num and all the linear algebra
libraries could be converted to use a lazy evaluation, thus avoiding
this issue of changing the operator overload traits. Alternatively,
maybe the whole operator-overloading idea-via traits is broken anyway
since operators do have such different semantics for different types (in
particular, efficient semantics of operators differ from built-in
numeric types and complicated library numeric types). Maybe adding
attributes to methods (e.g. #[operator_add] fn my_add(self, whatever) {}
) is more flexible since it is becoming clear that generic numeric code
(generic to bignums and normal integers and matrices) might not be a

That's introducing ad-hoc overloading and does not interact well with non-ad-hoc generics. I always felt that Haskell's approach was better for code readability: allowing user-defined symbolic operators. That way if `+`'s signature is not to your liking, you can define `+.` or whatever and get most of the benefits of overloading, while maintaining the invariant that the readers of the code always know what the signature of `+` is.

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