

Since I have the builders photo + other photos of the exact unit I want I
can see what it has to be which includes the slots for the M U hose ends.
The Sunset end HAD TO GO especially when I own the BTS parts to do it. There
is possibly another $50.00+ of BTS parts needed in the future. I will figure
out any possible coupler issues when needed. I have BRASS Kadee 802 couplers
I had made years ago. Something will work.


The GP7 is back in the box for another day.


It was 1989. The AM GP9 was recently released. I was just starting to buy
train photos and saw "what was" including the GP9. What started as an "add
antennas" project went for 4 months of steady work total rebuild. This
included open grid steps because I could see the sun shining on the rails
below.  I was trying to figure out how to make the Trainphone antenna
stanchions when I found out they were available. But by that time I MADE
many of the details.


In 1990 when I took it to Pittsburgh for the joint NASG convention I met
Jettie for the first time. I can still hear it like it was YESTERDAY - "Now
Bill, why did you make those details when I have them all right here?" as he
was showing me bags and bags of the brass parts!


In some respects my AM GP9 is better than the Sunset model because of the
open grid steps throughout. The GP9 is languishing in the box in a similar
false start to modernize it with DCC and correct some errors I made in 1989.


Thank You,
Bill Lane

Modeling the Mighty Pennsy & PRSL in 1957 in S Scale since 1987

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