So I'm cleaning track... starting to bring my layout effort back to life after 
how long???

Using my NCE DCC handheld, and after selecting (unit number #9271) the SHS 
factory installed QSI Quantum Revolution-U equipped CB&Q SW9 fired right up and 
functioned as it's supposed to.  Sweet.

Now for one of my Tsunami engines.

What the ????...

NONE of my factory equipped SHS switchers w/DCC and Tsunami decoders 
move/function.  They only sit there and make idle sounds.  No functions. No 
throttle response.  I've tried reselecting the default 003 address that is the 
SHS default (none of my Tsunami's have been programed past default) ... and 
still nothing.  NONE of them work.

Nothing has changed since they were left idle however many months (years?) ago. 
 I did not program anything, or change anything... but now they don't function. 

Does ANY ONE have any ideas to try?  Sure would be nice to see them in 
operation again.

boB's string is looking better n' better.  :-)

Hmmm... what should I...


wait a minute...

Well I'll be.  So THAT was it.


All's fixed!

I'm putting away the string!!  I'm back in a DCC world, baby!!

I sure know how to make hobbies exciting.

Andre Ming

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