Bill W. said:

"I think some of it has to do with the more vocal of the group forming their 
own groups/SIG and having enough to do with just that." 

Well, the forums at the S Sig website are deader than doornails... unless 
there's a top secret S Sig forum I'm not aware of.  (Which could be the case, 
after all, would YOU let ME be a part of YOUR forum???)  Last (and only) posts 
in both forums were made in Dec. of 2011.

"As far as Bill Lane’s question about modeling and the FNF for this week..."

FNF 9/27/13:

Unfortunately, my wife has experienced a death in her family (her father) and 
this has caused intermitten/sporadic time at the house/etc for me as I commute 
back/forth to NW AR (where her family is located).  Thus, no FNF news from me.  
I get to browse/look some on the web via some time at the house or my iPhone... 
but nothing really "substantial" in any arena has been done this week due other 
much more important priorities.  

However, in the words of the great Gen. McDoogle (or was it MacArthur?): I 
shall return!

Andre Ming

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