  In my university, we have a room with 24 computers and one nfs server
serving the home folders for all of them. SAGE is installed in each of
the computers individually. As the course progresses, we're running into
severe performance problems when using SAGE in this setting. We have now
switched to local access, and we can proceed with the course without
problems, but we'd like to have the home folders shared between the
different computers if at all possible.
  These are the clues to the issue:
  * Other courses, running other software, use the nfs mounted home
folders with no problem, and with all the students logging in at the
same time.
  * If only one, or a few computers log in, performance is good.
  * If all the students use SAGE at once with local access, performance
is good, too.
  * When they log into their nfs accounts, performance is poor but,
after a while that is getting longer, students can work normally.
  * As a side comment, the nfs server seems to have enough RAM, CPU and
bandwith idle when all the computers struggle to open up SAGE.
  So I'd say our problem is related to the big size of the .mozilla and
.sage folders going through the nfs folder (compared to the small
configuration folders of other programs). As the course progresses,
these folders are getting bigger, and that would explain the performance
issues and non-issues.

  My questions are:
  * Does this make sense to you?
  * Has any of you tried a similar configuration?
  * Any hints on how we can get shared folders back? Maybe samba would
do better? Maybe rsync the folders on login and logout? Maybe use a
single SAGE server?


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