On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 6:08 AM, mabshoff
> Hi,
> please don't post logs or excerpts from logs on the list, but put them
> up somewhere and post a link.
> In your case the problem is a known issue with ArchLinux and the g95
> we ship. You need to use the gfortran compiler provided by the system.
> README.txt tells you the details:
> NOTE: If you're using Fortran on a platform without g95 binaries
> included
>      with Sage, e.g., Itanium, you must use a system-wide gfortran.
> You
>      have to explicitly tell the build process about the fortran
>      compiler and library location.  Do this by typing
>          export SAGE_FORTRAN=/exact/path/to/gfortran
>          export SAGE_FORTRAN_LIB=/path/to/fortran/libs/libgfortran.so
> Unfortunately I would recommend for you to start the Sage build
> process over in your case since otherwise you would need to force a
> rebuild of all components using FORTAN manually.

For the record, and for better or worse, I build the Sage binary
for arch linux 64-bit by doing the following:

    export SAGE_FORTRAN=`which gfortran`

That's it.


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