On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:26 PM, Jason Grout
> Justin C. Walker wrote:
>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 17:32 , Jason Grout wrote:
>>> Justin C. Walker wrote:
>>>> Thanks, William,
>>>> On Oct 27, 2008, at 4:26 PM, William Stein wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I am helping someone who has a Windows system, and wants to use
>>>>>> Sage.
>>>>>> She has the VMWare gizmo set up and working fine.  I have a silly
>>>>>> problem, due to my long history of Windows Rejection: I have a file
>>>>>> on Windows that I want to "attach" in the Sage notebook.  Can
>>>>>> that be
>>>>>> done?  The obvious doesn't work ("/home/user/D:/Documents/..." not
>>>>>> found).
>>>>> It's possible but you have to set up some sort of sharing
>>>>> between Windows and VMware.  I.e., the Windows filesystem
>>>>> (or some subset of it) has to be made available to vmware.
>>>>> This is I think very easy in VMware Workstation via menus.  I don't
>>>>> know
>>>>> if it is easy or not in VMware player.  I don't actually have access
>>>>> to a windows machine right now, so i can't give step-by-step
>>>>> directions.  I hope somebody else can promptly respond to
>>>>> this email who can.
>>>> I'll poke at VMWare when I see her next.  If anyone has some good
>>>> ideas, I'd love to hear `em.
>>> Can't you upload the file as a "data file" and then attach it from
>>> there?  That way everything is done from the notebook.
>> I wasn't sure that would work.  It was not clear to me where the
>> upload/download commands were operating.  I will give that a shot.
> I believe that it will be uploaded/downloaded to the $DATA directory, so
> it could be attached with:
> attach $DATA/filename.sage
> I haven't tried, it, though.

You can upload a file just like an image into a given worksheet,
and it appears in the data directory.  Then I think you can do

   attach filename.sage

(without the $DATA).  I'm pretty sure that works in
recent versions of Sage.

 -- William

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