On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Stan Schymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> After shutting down a notebook server that has been running for weeks
> on a MacBook Pro and installing some Mac updates, I can't get the
> notebook to perform any calculations any more. Whenever I press Shift-
> Enter, the green bar appears, but the notebook never produces an
> output. I restarted sage and the notebook server several times, and
> tried out different notebooks and worksheets on both Firefox and
> Safari, but it is the same everywhere. Does anyone have an idea what I
> could do to get it to run again? Funnily enough, if I use the notebook
> from a remote computer, it works fine. Go figure!

It sounds like you're starting the notebook configured to not listen
on localhost,
but you're connecting to it on localhost.  Try using the outside ip address on
your computer, which you use to connect to it from elsewhere?

 -- William

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