OK, the problem seems to have been quarantine; as in, I knew I needed to 
remove the quarantine bit on 8.7, but I didn't realize that I had to remove 
it on 9.1 as well.

At least, I *think* that's what went wrong. Here's what I did:

   - Removed the old (nonworking) SageMath 9.1.
   - Re-mounted the dmg.
   - Copied the application over to /Applications.
   - Executed /Applications/SageMath/sage.
   - Lots of messages about something being adjusted.
   - Crash, no reason given.
   - I look in a script file and try to run /Applications/sage -python and 
   get a message that python3.7 has a security issue.
   - I run the command:

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine ../SageMath

   - Now it works.

My misunderstanding was in thinking that the quarantine issue was resolved 
by 9.1. I *think* that's my fault, and not a bug.

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