
> Is this also published on CoCalc?

Not at the present time. I do mean to talk to someone about it.

> Why do you prefer the use of Sage Worksheets over Jupyter Notebook?

I'm not entirely clear on when "Sage Worksheets" became Jupyter notebooks. 
I think, when we started 5 years ago, that we weren't aware of the switch; 
I certainly wasn't. I personally haven't looked enough into the details 
and/or differences to write intelligently about them.

john perry

On Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 1:15:28 PM UTC-5 ingo...@gmail.com wrote:

> That looks great and I am looking forward to reading it more in detail. 
> Just two quick questions to get started.
> Is this also published on CoCalc?
> Why do you prefer the use of Sage Worksheets over Jupyter Notebook?
> Best wishes
> Ingo
> john_perry_usm schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Juni 2021 um 02:58:57 UTC+2:
>> Greetings
>> Five years ago, a couple of colleagues and I began writing a Sage-based 
>> textbook to serve a class we teach at our institution. When we announced it 
>> to Sage users, we received an encouraging reception and excellent feedback. 
>> If that was meant to discourage us, it failed completely. ;-)
>> We've updated it pretty regularly since then, correcting a lot of errors 
>> and adding a few new features, even updating to Python3. The sources have 
>> been available online for a while, but after half a decade it seems time to 
>> get a little less behind the times than we have been and move the entire 
>> project to GitHub. So, here you go:
>>    https://github.com/johnperry-math/mew_cats
>> A new PDF version is included as a "Release", so you don't have to clone 
>> it, let alone build it. (Look for "Releases" on the right.) The license is 
>> CC-BY-SA, so feel free to clone it, fork it, commit it, push it, and any 
>> other unethical-sounding VCS operation that suits your fancy. You can even 
>> introduce errors that we haven't already included!
>> To honor the occasion we changed the title. Two of the authors are very 
>> pleased with the acronym.
>> We hope people find this useful for teaching, learning, and using Sage. 
>> People besides us, that is. :-)
>> regards
>> john perry

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