I'm surely not in the same league as the well known Dayanita Singh, but my 
collection of photographs of Saligao is available -- free and for the 
asking -- to anyone wanting to use it with their work. Just let me know if 
interested. The only problem is that I have them on CD -- not on paper 
format for the most, as I use digital. I think Louis D'Souza also has a 
good collection of pics which he shot when in Goa last time. FN


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Dear Mario & Muriel,
Thank you very much placing your thoughts on Saligaonet. Yes photography is
my main corcern . I may ask Dyanita Singh to help me as I know her well.
There may be Salikaokars from diaspora willing to support financially the
book if it is presented to them in better format and also edit by you, Val
etc  than what I wrote and use the money for a good purpose and project on
Saligao.My contribution is to Saligao and I am only trying to contribute
what I received from the village and villagers by way of history, music.
etc. God bless you both. Much love, Fr. Nascimento Mascarenhas.

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