Some time ago we received a request from a user that wanted to monitor the ports of his core-switches. Each core-switch is in fact a stack of several switches with more then 550 "ports" per stack. We did a quick calculation and monitoring all active ports using Servers Alive enterprise edition was not possible. After some thinking about it we decide to create a COM check for this. This COM check is able to monitor within one check ALL ports of each stack.

How does it work?
        * the 1st cycle we will get the status of the ports and keep/save that
* the next cycle(s) we get the status of the ports and compare that to the known/saved status if there is a difference we will flag the entry as being DOWN (down in this case means that there is a status change on at least one port). So if a port that was down (no connection) becomes active we have a status change, if a port that had a connection suddenly no longer has a connection we have a status change.
        At this level we have 2 options:
                OR we enable the option "Reset known port status after status 
-> this means that we will now save the new statusses as being the correct ones

OR we leave the option "Reset known port status after status change" on disabled (default) -> this means that we continue to see the original statusses as being the correct ones

The COM check uses SNMP to get the information from the remote switch, we can do this in SNMPv1,v2c or v3. Instead of checking all ports we can also limit the ports we check to a smaller range (make sure to use the correct numbers as shown within the interface of the COM check!)

(in a few days it will also be on the addons page at

Dirk Bulinckx
Servers Alive -
DNS Hosting on StellarDNS -

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