The real name is SAM Coupe - there was supposed to be machines to follow the 
original so you'd have a range of SAM machines (and no, I don't count the 

I think they're kind of interchangeable now though. I tend to still write SAM 
as it looks right to me. I know that Colin P uses "Sam" as his preference.
On Friday, July 14, 2006, at 12:41PM, Simon Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Someone recently asked whether it should be written as "Sam" or "SAM", and I
>had to admit I didn't really know!
>Is there a correct/official version or are they completely interchangeable?
>Does one refer to the machine and another the robot, or is that mix and
>match too?  Or is the machine simply the Coupé?
>I tend to think of Sam being the robot and SAM being the machine, so I
>generally write SAM.  Or is "Some Amazing Machine" a backronym?

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