doh i been in work for 4bytes per pixel far to long lolol , but yeah
clipping is a bit of a nightmare .. :D


Behalf Of Adrian Brown
Sent: 20 May 2007 15:14
Subject: RE: What games

Surely 8x8 was 64 bytes ;) (or 32 in mode 4).  But yes direct writing is the
only way.  Although its a pain to do clipping still, a well placed ret
always does the trick i found J


Behalf Of Chris White
Sent: 20 May 2007 11:31
To: Adrian
Subject: RE: What games


;) anything is possible .. just have to change the way u think about coding
and stay away from systems .. ie sprite systems / scrolling systems


make ever function bespoked to that task .. ie make a sprite cutter that
loads data directly instead of reading from a ram location n writing to


ie .. 

HL = screen addre


(HL) , 0xff

inc l

(HL) , 0x7f

inc l 




is far quicker than

ld a,(de)

ld (hl),a

inc e (if u can get away with having 256 byte sprite data (8x8 are this u
see hence there popular))

inc l (till next line that is ;))


Just means u have to write sprite cutters to output the source code .. then
each sprite draw will be a jump table call





Behalf Of Calvin Allett
Sent: 20 May 2007 10:46
Subject: What games

Just a quick thought,

What games could be accomplished on the ol` SAM, everybody always
says about how underpowered the SAM is in Mode 4, but when I`m
playing more Spectrum games recently, I`m getting a certain shock as to
how many games ran at perhaps lower than 8 fps, and yet it doesn`t
matter, perhaps I should have asked what games could be done.

Could Avenger be done at a similar framerate, for example?


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