I was asked in one mailing about `KABOOM!` and if I had any idea when if
ever it would be released.
I answered by saying that I had spoken to wayne Coles, he told me that as
soon as he had finished the project he was working on he would finish
`KABOOM!` and that this would be around March/April .

The first comment on this subject came from Graham Goring, asking what year!
Now for a start Graham should be more informed than I, as he told me in a
phone conversation that he spoke to Wayne most weekends.

The second comment came from the mysterious Bill Ritman, he said that it was
supposed to be released about three Gloucester shows ago.

The same applies to the `NSSS` Bill

I then made the comment that I did not think Bill was interested in games,
as he never bought anything.

Bill then replied, `Who said`

So I then gave a list of people/companies who had as far as I know never had
an order off him.

After that I got told off for not editing my mail properly by Ian Collier.


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