Decided it was time I spent a few quid on my SAM last week, so I ordered
Defender (from Persona) and Super Byke Championship (from Quazar). Defender
is superb, it is arcade perfect and it is exactly how I remember it on my
Acorn Electron, albeit slightly harder (although I could just be out of
practice/getting old). Very nice game! But! On the same disk you also get
Dyzonium (extremely hard shoot-em-up) and Astroball!! Astroball is another
superb game, I always wanted to buy it years ago, and never got round to it,
but now I have it, and it's great! So, 7 quid two great games, one good game
if slightly too hard. Nice one Malcolm, bargain of the century! (Go on guys,
spend 7 quid on your SAM, you won't regret it, I promise, you'll fall in
love with your SAM all over again!) Haven't had much of a chance to play
Super Byke Championship Colin, looks as professional as all your stuff
though, hopefully get a few goes at it over the weekend - my brother says
its funky, so it must be good then.

(Still looking for a SAM in mint condition, there must be one somewhere...)
Gavin Smith
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