At 9:50 am +0100 7/4/99, Aley Keprt wrote:
>>The Lyra 3 is already there in .dsk format. That was done weeks ago. I
>>know, because I did it myself.
>Great! But why didn't you anounced it?
>I think many people wait for Lyra 3 (incl. me :).

I did...

At 4:00 pm +0100 6/3/99, Andrew Collier wrote:
>>There's nary a *.dsk file in sight. I can't find anywhere to download
>>The Lyra 3 from in a format I can use.
>Alright... The Lyra 3, as a .dsk, is now in nvg's incoming directory.

Frode moved it to a readable directory a few days later, and he mentioned
that on sam-users too.


| Andrew Collier | email [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | Talk sense to a
| Part 2 NatSci  | | fool and he
+----------------+-----------------------------+ calls you foolish
| Selwyn College Student Computer Support Team |   -- Euripides

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