----- Original Message -----
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: A little bit of history...repeating

> Dear Fellow SAM Users,
> (Note, I still own a SAM, although negotiations are underway!)
> Ages ago, when I joined the SAM users group, I added a few AOL users to my
> 'buddy' list, which is a form of Instant Messaging. One such address was
> After months of inactivity, I've noticed that 'BrenchleyR' recently seems
> be online now and again. This may be the the notorious Format supremo, or
> new user, but someone is out there, and active....
> Sorry if I've given you all nightmares. The dawning of the year 2001 may
> bring retrospectives of HAL 9000 (from the film 2001), but 'BrenchleyR'
> be even more worrying!

Frequent visitors on some more personal-ish newsgroups will also notice this
strange co-incidence...

Also some people may gain cruel satisfaction from knowing that BB is on
AOL... but, that's only some people :)

> (Whatever he says, I still reckon he owes me money for non-dispatch of
> etc.!)

And I've still got a slander charge - or explosive charge (cant remember
which?) to deliver to him :)


PS: You still ok with those mags Phil?

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