that was complicated to understand on a monday morning!!!!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Colin Piggot [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 10:54 AM
> To:
> Subject:      Re: Errr      (Or who would like a game of bobbings!!)
> > The last I ever heard of it was someone wrote bobbings - the wondrous
> > game - and gave out free copies at one of the Format shows. Good game
> for
> > getting out your aggression.
> >
> > Luke
> To correct you there .... the author gave out two copies - and one person
> this was given to by the author later informed the author he had given
> you a copy. It's not freeware... its not PD... it still belongs to the
> author.
> Colin Piggot.
> ====
> Quazar: Hardware and Software for the Sam.

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