Gavin Smith wrote:

 planning to continue with Format once he got back on his feet -
indeed, the editorial of the last issue of Format (circa Feb 99) did
mention some health problems.

Didn't he complain that someone reported him for claiming disability
whilst he was still earning money from Format/WCC/Revelation?

Nah... not in the pages of Format, anyway. The only clue I can find is in the editorial of the final issue (dated October 1998, but not received till months later):

"I'm sorry the technical hotline has been out of action for most of the last month. I've been missing from the office due to personal illness - a virus which caused swelling of the cartilage joining my ribs together, this made breathing difficult and talking even worse [...] While I am still suffering a bit, and some of the drugs are leaving me very tired, I am back to the grindstone now [...]"

That'd certainly explain why he's been out of action (except for posting sillyness on newsgroups) since then, but of course knowing Bob there's always the distinct possibility that it's a complete load of nonsense...

He never vanished, he just went quiet on us. He's probably reading this

Mr Dooré and your sam-users Real Names List of legend - are you still around?


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