Hello everybody!

After 11 years I decided to refresh one of my unfinished projects, which was
just about to be completed when I got my PC 486. :-) I found both literature
and software in my archive, but I'd like to get some better software if
there is one. I write this e-mail to ask for help.

I still use the original orange ZX Spectrum manual as a Z80 instructions

I originally used Comet 1.4 for programming, I liked it much. I found both
dikette and manual, so I can use it atill, but maybe there is a newer (and
free) version, or preferably something yet better - I think that a
cross-assembler for PC could be better for me. (But I need to convert the
Comet source to it somehow.)
Any advices?

And, finally, E-Tracker. I have original version. Is there any new version,
or possibly a new player routine (some bugfixes?). The original player
routine works perfectly for me. I don't know wether there were more
versions, or any known bugs in there. I just wonder why does it read from
memory addresses around 0 - I tested it yesterday in ZX Spin debugger and
SamPlay SAA player, and found that E-Tracker player reads memory at
addresses around zero. Does anybody know, what does it mean? Some kind of
"random" numbers? This is important also for my SAA player "SamPlay" for PC,
because it doesn't contain ROM, and if E-Tracker needs ROM there, it
probably doesn't play 100% as on original Sam. Any experiance?


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