Thanks! I did some tests on my own, and the profiling says that the most
slowest part is the text scroller. I already tried many LDI's and PUSH/POP
system on my own, but unfortunately the process of changing SP makes
PUSH/POP slower than sequence of LDI's. You know, the TASM doesn't support
clever macro's so I can simply use REPEAT statement to compute LD SP,nn for
each cycle of PUSH/POP. When using dynamic scheme, i.e. LD HL,16; ADD HL,SP;
LD SP,HL; it's way too slow.

Push 16T and POP 12T? I believe what you say, but that Z80 timings document
which I got from somebody here (last week) says PUSH 11T and POP 12T. So
what's the reason of these differences? I assume that's something with
memory contention on Sam, and probably all those Z80 instruction timings
documents are pretty useless on Sam.

Btw. Those assembler compilers I got from Sam users are not very good. If I
understand it correctly, PYZ don't use ascii files. So I use TASM, but it
uses nonstandard syntax (I hate it!), so I had to rewrite the original Comet
source file (Comet uses quite good syntax - I think it's Zilog Z80
standard). Also, I extremely miss REPEAT and preprocessor variables, like
Borland's TASM or Microsoft's MASM has on i8086 CPUs. Having the clever
macros, it would be easy to write optimized memory copying code. (That
stupid Z80 crossassembler TASM even can't include a binary file.)

I would like to write something like:

REPEAT lines*128
LD SP,16
Counter = counter + 16

It's it great in it's simplicity? But it's not supported by those Z80



-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Edwin Blink
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: Fastest memory transfer (on Sam)

I need to move (video) memory on Sam, what's the fastest routine? I expect
it must utilize push & pop instructions, since they take just 10T to move a
byte, but I am unsure what is exact look of the whole routine. Please can
somebody help me?

There is not a single fastest routine for everything. To get the fastest
routine it must be tailormade for it's task.

For clearing or filling  use PUSHes 16T per two bytes
For scrolling use PUSH/POPS 28Ts per two bytes
For copying use many LDIs 20 T per byte
For sprite drawing use LD (HL),nn,INC L 16 T per byte

Note that a PUSH qq  takes16T and a POP qq takes 12T


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