If this came 15 years ago, it would be excellent. Now, it's void. :-(

And, Escape... game is really bad on Sam - it's slow, has so many bugs, and the controls are stupid. I liked ZXS128 version of that game, not this one.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Colin Piggot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 11:09 AM
Subject: Latest Quazar News (April 2006)

Mayhem Accelerator
As the Mayhem Accelerator is now approaching production, with launch
hopefully within the next couple of months, I've captured some videos of it
in action and uploaded them onto the website.

Videos are of:
Lemmings (at 10MHz)
Manic Miner (at 20MHz)
Stratosphere (at 20MHz)
Escape From .. Robot Monsters (at 20MHz)
Total Eclipse (at 20MHz, spectrum emulated)
Rover demo (at 20MHz)

You can find them, and a bit more info, as the first news item at
Any feedback is appreciated.

(Videos are 4-6MB in size, 25 frames / sec, divx compressed)

Sam Revival
Thanks for all the feedback you've sent directly on the latest issue of Sam Revival (issue 14), it seems the colour pages have gone down well, and work
is now well underway on issue 15 which is due out in late May.

If you've not tried Sam Revival yet, why not give it a try? £3.99 for the
latest issue with UK postage, or £4.79 with EU postage. More details and
ordering information is up on the website.

Retro Fusion
A new 'retro' magazine has now hit the shops. Issue one of 'Retro Fusion'
can be found at GameStation stores in the UK (with online ordering at
www.retrofusion.co.uk). Covering retro computers, consoles and nostalgia,
you'll also find in this first issue a 4 page Sam Coupe article which i've
written - covering the history of the Sam as well as the history of Quazar
and what i've been doing for the Sam for the last eleven years.

All the best,

Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the Sam Coupe
April 1995-2006 - Celebrating 11 Years of developing for the Sam Coupe
Website: http://www.samcoupe.com/

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