Maybe I'm just daft, but I don't get it... so I've created the massively
complex m/c routine:

DUMP 1,0
ORG 32768
LD A,6
OUT (254),A

I then assemble this (F11) and then run SimCoupe (F9).

1. starting SimCoupe starts it without the object.mgt disk being opened.
2. so open it manually and boot1

The object binary is 15 bytes - it should only be 5 bytes based on the
source above.
Viewing the contents of the binary shows that it contains some leading and
trailing rubbish:

32768: 0
32769: 0
32770: 5
32771: 0
32772: 1
32773: 62 <- here's LD A,
32774: 6
32777: 201
32778: 0
32779: 0

What's going on?



(using Windows Vista x64 just in case it matters).

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