Well, that's a big part of it, work! SAM stuff doesn't pay the bills ... unless someone wants to offer me a full time wage to work on SAM stuff ;)

If I win the lottery tonight... :-D

I've just a couple pages to finish writing for 24 and it'll be out. Coming up in the issue...

* The Witching Hour by John Vincent on the coverdisk, with some stunning artwork for the magazine cover by John.
* News pages
* What Happened to... Sandman's Shadow
* Developer Diary - with Simon Owen and Rob Evans
And a lot of input from readers with:
* Letters pages (7 pages!)
* Comments section (5 pages!)

Looking forward to all of it, especially The Witching Hour, which I meant to get years ago but never did, and the article on Sandman's Shadow. Looks fascinating to see what happened to it.

And about 60% of issue 25 wrapped up too.... so far parts include:

* SAM modifications (couple articles from people modding their SAMs)
* Developer Diary (couple entries from programmers)
* Letters pages
* Comments Section

Hoorah!! :-D I really need to get more progress made on my game... lol!

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