I echo that. Thanks for the info. I bought one probably a good month or more ago, but I just haven't had the chance to test it yet. I think Colin had tried one and found it worked okay after a quick test, so I'm hoping mine will work too.

Shame to hear that you've had that problem! I'll let everyone know how mine goes, when I try it.


Quoting Steve <st...@samcoupe-pro-dos.co.uk>:


I'm sorry to hear that you have some problems with them.

I've held back on getting two, hoping to hear how good they are.

I'm keep on using Colin's PC Keyboard interface

It looks like I might be getting another PC interface for my second SAM.

Thanks for letting us know about your experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no [mailto:owner-sam-us...@nvg.ntnu.no] On
Behalf Of ellvis
Sent: 22 March 2011 18:55
To: sam-users@nvg.ntnu.no
Subject: keyboard membrane replacement

Hi all,

I just wanted to ask if anyone have bought new membrane for Sam from Rwap.
If yes, what is your experience?

I bought two of them. But none is working properly. I have to press keys
hard and few times to get them work. Keys "F" and "J" doesn't work at all. I
took care there are not any "waves" as the holes for plastic pins are tight,
I tried to assemble it few times - always did it very carefully. But the
results are still the same.

I will try ore or two times more, but right now I am pretty dissapointed by
it's quality.




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