Can't help you with most of those problems, but as someone else mentioned, that memory upgrade sounds like a custom job. The normal ones were extremely simple, unscrew the tiny panel underneath, slot the small upgrade in, and away you go! ;-)

Colin still sells the memory upgrades I think, so it could be worth detaching that unusual one and putting one of those in just for the best results (Who knows, it could be causing some of your other problems!)

As someone else mentioned, you should normally have 4 blue feet. Again, I think Colin sometimes has a few spare, so he may be able to help.

As for the mouse interface, the SAM used ST compatible mice with the MGT mouse interface. So if you can pick up or have an old one of those, it should work.


Quoting Rich Mellor <>:

I just need to pick your brains if you don't mind (and maybe your spares pile)...

I have replaced the TV lead from inside the power unit, and I get a picture on
my TV.

However, if the TV is tuned in properly - I get a black and white picture,
otherwise the start up screen is very blue.

Is there anything I can do - I had to remove the ROM and memory chips and reseat them to get even an ounce of colour on screen, but it may just be the TV needs

There were two SCART leads with the computer, but neither seem to give an output.

I seem to recall reading that the SCART is very different to normal.

Does anyone have spare SCART and cassette leads please?

Also - I have found a semi-circular rubber foot - I presume that the Sam should
have four of these in the holes on the side of the casing?

Does anyone have some spares?

My Sam has 512K memory, with piggy-backed RAM chips and a wire which runs across and is connected to one of the pins on the internal expansion port (to the right
of the disk drive).

Is this normal - as it seems an awkward way of connecting it!

Finally, I have an MGT mouse interface for the Sam, and a Comms interface - what
is the best way of testing these?

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