On 01/01/2014 15:37, Andrew Park wrote:

Hi all

Happy new year lets hope we can see some more sam stuff this year.

Any idea how i can set up a line interrupt routine between 32768 and 65535? I want to change the palette twice once at line 0 and then again on line 128.

Many thanks


Hi Andy

Happy new year. Here are some examples that work for me. Easy way is the polling version:

StatusReg:      equ 249
LineIntBit:     equ 0

                out (StatusReg),a
                in a,(StatusReg)
                bit LineIntBit,a
                ret z
                jp nz,Loop

                ld a,0
                call WaitLine
                ld a,128
                call WaitLine

This works fine if you have full control over the computer. But it's not a fully automatic interrupt mode, so has a bunch of waiting around.

Interrupt Mode 1 will jump to 00056 - no good for you. IM0 is designed for an external device interrupt request, usually an RST, which is in the 00000-32767 range). So IM2 is your other option. If you haven't worked with it before it's worth reading Steve Taylor's assembly language tutorial (16 on this page: http://sam.speccy.cz/coding.html). Here's an example where the interrupt is called every line.

org 32768
               dump 1,0

               di                          ; Disable interrupts
               im 2                        ; Set mode

ld a,129 ; Set I register between 128-254 (not 255 as this will wrap onto 00000-32767 page)
               ld i,a

               ; Write jump table (257 bytes of byte x at I*256)
               ld h,a
               ld l,0
               ld (hl),130
               ld d,h
               ld e,1
               ld bc,256

               ei                          ; Enable interrupts
xor a ; Set initial line interrupt value
               out (StatusReg),a

               ;... rest of your program
               jp Loop

               ; Put your interrupt routine at x*256+x
               org 33410
               dump 1,33410-32768
               ld a,(Line+1)
               and 127
               ld bc,248
               out (c),a
   Line:       ld a,0
               out (StatusReg),a
               inc a
               cp 192
               jp nz,SkipReset
               xor a
               ld (Line+1),a

In your routine you will want to be more careful with saving registers so returning to normal program flow won't corrupt registers. Also, I didn't check the interrupt type (by doing in a,(249); bit 0,a), so this will mess up if the mouse is installed, or MIDI data is being transferred.

I notice the MIDI support in SimCoupé is missing.... have I missed an update maybe? Or is there any schedule for this? I only ask because I've been tinkering with SAM music lately and I'm convinced the quality of the standard chip music on the SAM would vastly improve with better UI...

Hope this helps

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