New York Times
Found: A Smoking Gun
February 11, 2004

In the town of Kalar, about a hundred miles northeast of Baghdad, Kurdish
villagers recently reported suspicious activity to the pesh merga.

That Kurdish militia has for years been waging a bloody battle with Ansar
al-Islam, the terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and
supported by Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It captured a courier carrying a
message that demolishes the repeated claim of Bush critics that there was
never a "clear link" between Saddam and Osama bin Laden.

The terrorist courier with a CD-ROM containing a 17-page document and other
messages was Hassan Ghul, who confessed he was taking to Al Qaeda the Ansar
document setting forth a strategy to start an Iraqi civil war, along with a
plea for reinforcements. The Kurds turned him over to Americans for further
interrogation, which is proving fruitful.

The Times reporter Dexter Filkins in Baghdad, backed up by Douglas Jehl in
D.C., broke the story exclusively. Editors marked its significance by
placing it on the front page above the fold. Although The Washington Post
the next day buried it on Page 17 (and Newsweek may construe as bogus any
Saddam-Osama connection) the messages' authenticity was best
attested by the amazed U.S. official who told Reuters, "We couldn't make
this up if we tried."

The author of the lengthy Ansar-to-Qaeda electronic message is suspected of
being the most wanted terror operative in the world today: Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi, long familiar to readers of this space as "the man with the
limp," who personifies the link of Ansar and Al Qaeda.

On Sept. 24, 2001--not two weeks after 9/11--Kurdish sources led me to
report: "The clear link between the terrorist in hiding [Osama] and the
terrorist in power [Saddam] can be found in Kurdistan. . . . The Iraqi
dictator has armed and financed a fifth column of Al Qaeda mullahs and
terrorists. . . . Some 400 `Arab Afghan' mercenaries . . . have already
murdered a high Kurdish official as well as a Muslim scholar who dared to
interpret the Koran humanely."

The C.I.A. blew off that report. Our National Security Council did not learn
of subsequent warfare against the Kurds by the Qaeda affiliate doing
Saddam's bidding until its members read it in The Times. After Jeffrey
Goldberg of the New Yorker and C. J. Chivers of The Times developed the
story from inside northern Iraq, it dawned on some intelligence analysts
that a "clear link" was probable.

On Oct. 7, 2002, President Bush said "We know that Iraq and Al Qaeda have
had high-level contacts that go back a decade. Some Al Qaeda leaders who
fled Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very senior Al Qaeda leader
who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year."

The leader whose leg was treated, perhaps amputated, in Baghdad was
identified here in January 2003, as Zarqawi (twice, after one misspelling).
The presence of this international terrorist for two months in a Baghdad
hospital required the approval of Saddam's ubiquitous secret police.

In his U.N. speech the following month, Colin Powell publicly identified the
Palestinian, born in Jordan, as one who oversaw a terrorist training camp in
Afghanistan three years before: "Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist
network headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, an associate and collaborator of
Osama bin Laden."

Now we have documentary evidence of Ansar's current operation: employing
suicide bombers to foment a civil war in Iraq that would reinstate safe
haven for terrorists. The notion that these serial killers are not central
players in the global network that attacked us--that the Ansar boss in Iraq
must be found carrying an official Qaeda membership card signed by bin
aden  --is simply silly.

Of the liberation's three casus belli, one was to stop mass murder, bloodier
than in Kosovo; we are finding horrific mass graves in Iraq.  Another was
informed suspicion that a clear link existed between world terror and
Saddam; this terrorist plea for Qaeda reinforcements to kill Iraqi democracy
is the smoking gun proving that.

The third was a reasoned judgment that Saddam had a bioweapon that could
wipe out a city; in time, we are likely to find a buried suitcase containing
that, too.

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