The Washington Post
Bremer's Legacy
By Jim Hoagland
Thursday, May 6, 2004

Events, interlopers and policy mistakes have taken substantial power from
the hands of L. Paul Bremer III in his final two months as President Bush's
proconsul in Baghdad. More timid souls would serve out their time in quiet,
bitter frustration. But the creeping marginalization he faces actually gives
the strong-willed Bremer a large measure of freedom. With little to lose in
terms of operational power, he is more free to speak out and salvage
something from his original hopes of pointing post-Baathist Iraq toward
constitutional democracy and stability.

Those goals seemed to grow more distant through the cruel and bloody
month of April. They are still attainable. But they are endangered by a
recent wavering in U.S. commitment and strategy brought to the surface
last weekend by the decision to enlist a notorious Baathist ex-general
to help restore "order" in Fallujah. This action went directly against
the spirit and letter of Bremer's de-Baathification policy, which is
under attack in the Bush administration.

Jassim Mohammed Saleh, who commanded units that mounted pogroms against
Kurds and Iraqi Shiites in the 1990s, was reportedly brought to U.S.
commanders in Fallujah by CIA operatives who are forming Iraq's new
intelligence service. The appointment, which has since been withdrawn,
was made without Bremer's knowledge and was not cleared at the Pentagon.
It is hard to think of a gesture that could more effectively undermine
the moral claims the Bush administration made in justifying regime
change in Iraq -- especially as it came when legitimate outrage and
revulsion was spreading globally over evidence of abuse of Iraqi prisoners.

Saleh's brief appointment was a manifestation of the campaign to
rehabilitate Baathist military commanders, political figures and civil
servants as a way of buying calm in the rebellious Sunni heartland. That
approach is a longtime favorite of the CIA and the former Iraqi army and
intelligence officers the agency has helped push into command of the
secret service it is building in Baghdad.

Bremer has taken to the sidelines as U.N. envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has been
given free rein by the White House to choose and install an interim
cabinet of Iraqi technocrats when the occupation symbolically ends June
30 and Bremer leaves for home. Brahimi has made the overturning of
Bremer's de-Baathification policy -- the U.S. administrator's most
important political achievement -- an important goal.

But Bremer still has time to shape events and to share the hard truths
about Iraq not only with the U.S. representatives who will follow him
but also with an American nation that has begun to wonder if the Bush
administration knows what it is doing in Iraq.

Bremer's fate since being rushed to Baghdad last summer to run the
Coalition Provisional Authority mirrors in many ways the troubled arc of
the U.S. occupation. He has come to personify America's good intentions,
brash attitudes and manifest shortcomings in Iraq.

Bremer began with an unshakable self-confidence that helped stem a slide
to disorder in the immediate aftermath of the invasion. But the
cocksureness of 2003 allowed no space for advice or criticism from
others. Reluctant to turn over real authority, even to his own U.S. or
British aides, Bremer also disparaged the Iraqi politicians he appointed
to the Governing Council. They were quick to return the favor.

He was forced to abandon a complex caucus election plan when Shiites
rebelled. His bid for a legacy of relative stability went up in flames
in Fallujah and Najaf, where revolts consumed the Iraqi security units
created on Bremer's watch. In the last ignominy, he had to go on
television to criticize aspects of his own de-Baathification policy. His
demeanor suggested he had been ordered to say things he didn't believe.

In recent months Bremer's power has shrunk steadily as coordination of
the occupation in Washington shifted from Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld, who let Bremer run the show, to the White House, which is
focused on the presidential election. U.N. involvement in the person of
Brahimi has been useful in preempting or countering criticism from
Democrats on the campaign trail.

Bremer helped create his descent. He "is a control freak," says a former
U.S. official who is one of his greatest admirers. "Put him in a
hierarchy, and he will bend it to your needs and purposes. But the
formlessness of that society and the necessary ambiguities people
practice to survive there must be driving him crazy.''

Like many proconsuls dispatched to the Third World before him, Bremer
pursued an illusion of control in circumstances that permitted no such
thing. He will have done so relentlessly, but fruitlessly, if he loses
on de-Baathification.

Bremer cannot burnish his stellar reputation by leaving Iraq saying that
it all worked out fine. History and the immediate future demand his
candor and his renewed commitment to keeping the murderers and torturers
from regaining power.

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