Israeli military boss claims Iraq had chemical weapons
April 26, 2004
Laurie Copans, Associated Press

Iraq had chemical weapons and the means to deliver them ahead of last year's
US-led invasion, Israel's military chief claimed in an interview published

Iraq may have transferred the weapons to Syria or buried them in desert
sands, said Lieut General Moshe Yaalon, speaking a month after a
parliamentary investigation criticised Israeli intelligence gathering on

The parliamentary report found that Israeli warnings that Saddam Hussein
could launch weapons of mass destruction were based on speculation and that
Israeli authorities had little evidence to support this belief.

In today's interview in the Yediot Ahronot newspaper, Yaalon said that
before the war, Iraq had developed the ability to fit planes with chemical
weapons that could have been used against Israel.

"There is no doubt that in the eight months leading up to the war, the
Iraqis prepared an ability to deliver by air chemical weapons, at least at
us," Yaalon said.

He said the Iraqis were preparing drones and Russian Tupolev-16 and Sakhoi
aircraft to carry dozens or hundreds of pounds of chemical substances.

He said the US military destroyed the planes in the first two days of the
war - based on Israeli intelligence information.

The chemical weapons, Yaalon said, were more carefully hidden.

"Perhaps they transferred them to another country, such as Syria," Yaalon
said. "We very clearly saw that something crossed into Syria. Perhaps, they
(the Iraqis) buried them."

The United States cited Iraq's weapons capabilities as justification for the
war. But since ousting Saddam last year, inspectors have failed to find
chemical or biological weapons.

Yaalon, in tacit criticism of the US operation in Iraq, said he would have
carried out searches in Iraq in a "different way than the Americans", but
did not elaborate.

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