Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Can anyone comment on this?
> On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Louis-David Mitterrand wrote:
>>Upon upgrading from 2.2.5 to 3.0alpha20 on Debian unstable, filenames
>>with accented characters (ie: éàî etc.) became unreadable. For example
>>in W2K a filename previously called "résumé.xls" became "r" when looking at
>>the samba share; and the filename is impossible to modify from windows:
>>samba log says "file not found". From the shell the file looks like
>>"r?sum?.xls" but the "?" are actually 0x83.

In a hurry I used
        unix charset = "CP850"

this solved our problems (redhat 7.2; samba-3.0a20) for example in the 
profile load on the spanish xp (ie Star menu-->menú Inicio).


Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D.     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTI, Director              fax:    948 425619
University of Navarra      voice:  948 425600
Pamplona, SPAIN  

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