We have several samba printservers and fileservers with "security=server" validating against several PDC with ldap (samba 2.2.6).

I found a lot of ldap request like:
beating the ldap servers: one before *each* validation in every print job or share session.

I found this is related with a security issue as Jeremy says in the
server_validate() function.

To avoid this I tried to use security=domain because server_validate() is called by check_server_security(), but our servers joined to the domain-asigned likes very much ask to the neighborn PDC as "security=server" than their domain-asigned-server (perhaps the subneting, or so... is a big and complex network).

The question is if I can skip the code around "if(!tested_password_server) {"
to avoid the calls to ldap and if it is safe.

We are using only samba servers.

Any idea?


Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CTI, Director fax: 948 425619
University of Navarra voice: 948 425600
Pamplona, SPAIN http://www.unav.es/cti/

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