C.Lee Taylor wrote:
>> 2.2.* doesn't support referrals at all :-(
>It is on a production server, so it is 2.2.7a.

The only thing, if this works, which I need to try and figure out, which Herb Lewis has sent me a patch which I have not looked at yet, is get the autoconf stuff working, so that this can become standard in 2.2 .. I think it would be good if we put something in the docs at the moment about Samba 2.2 & Referrals not working ... at least for the moment.
I'm also changing/testing the patch in the samba_3 fashion to catch/wrap the correct version/arguments and so.

Ignacio Coupeau, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Navarra [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pamplona, SPAIN http://www.unav.es/cti/

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