On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 11:35:22AM -0700, David Bear wrote:
> > Are you sure that you are connecting to a Samba server, and not, say, a 
> > Win2K server by some accident?
> Yes, I thought that was strange as well, yet, here's what nmblookup
> finds.
> bash-2.05a$ winsq npcenter
> querying npcenter on
> npcenter<00>
> Looking up status of
>         NPCENTER        <00> -         M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCENTER        <03> -         M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCENTER        <20> -         M <ACTIVE>
>         ..__MSBROWSE__. <01> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCGROUP        <00> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCGROUP        <1b> -         M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCGROUP        <1d> -         M <ACTIVE>
>         NPCGROUP        <1e> - <GROUP> M <ACTIVE>
> is there a way to use smbclient with an ip address to bypass any name
> resolution differences that may be happening between windows and unix?

Which host is at, a W2K system or the Samba server?
Again, a trace would help.

The -I option can be used to specify a unicast destination.

Chris -)-----

Samba Team -- http://www.samba.org/     -)-----   Christopher R. Hertel
jCIFS Team -- http://jcifs.samba.org/   -)-----   ubiqx development, uninq.
ubiqx Team -- http://www.ubiqx.org/     -)-----   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
OnLineBook -- http://ubiqx.org/cifs/    -)-----   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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