When I try to connect a Win2k client to my 2.2.3a samba PDC, I get this

The following error occurred validating the name 'NAVTEK':
The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted

I have read the Samba-PDC-HOWTO.html and followed the description there
but to no avail. I guess this must be a very basic thing to do, but
somewhere down the road I have done something wrong.

Anyway, this is what my smb.conf looks like:

        netbios name = server2
        workgroup = NAVTEK
        domain master = Yes
        domain logons = Yes
        domain admin = root
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        os level = 64
        preferred master = Yes
        local master = Yes
        security = user
        logon path = \\server2\profiles\%u
        logon drive = H:
        logon home = \\server2\%u
        logon script = synctime.bat
        add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -n -g navtek -s
/bin/false %m$  force directory mode = 0777
        force create mode = 0777
        log file = /var/log/samba/smb.%m
        character set = ISO8859-1
        time server = yes

        path = /home/netlogon
        writeable = no
        write list = root

        path = /home/profiles
        writeable = yes
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700

        comment = Home Directories
        read only = No
        create mask = 0750
        browseable = No
        public = Yes
        writable = Yes
        path = /home/SHARE
        writable = yes
        guest ok = Yes
        comment = Navtek Disk
        read only = No
        force group = navtek
        invalid users = ftd

Johnny Ljunggren, Priv: Bærefjellvn 15, 3160 STOKKE
Tlf: 918 50 411, ICQ: 50630605

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