On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 7:39 AM, Anthony Boccia <aboc...@afilias.info> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I haven been having issues joining my windows 7 client to a samba
> 3.5.10-125 PDC. I have been doing some reading online and have found some
> pages that suggest that samba3x plays better with windows 7. The PDC OS is
> RHEL and i am using RHEL 6 upstream packages for samba. My question is,
> does this theory of samba3x being windows 7 friendly over samba 3.x hold
> true? Also, what is the difference between samba3x and samba 3.x.
> Thank You
> --
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 What U can tello u is that I have a samba 3.5.10-0.109.el5_8 as
PDC+LDAP and I have follow the instructions for win7 and have success
with Win7-Pro x32 x64, win 2008 x32 x64, this is Centos 5.8.
 On centos samba 3x is the new one that support this new OS from Redmont.

 Hope u read the samba+win7 doc?

 See u latter!!!
LIving the dream...
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