
I've now compiled and installed Samba 3.0 alpha 21 on a Red Hat 8.0 box
(since I sadly don't have a current Mandrake box available in our

Now I'm somewhat lost - what do I have to do, to make the Samba server
join the Active Directory (which doesn't support NT 4.0 Domains)?

Is "net ads join" the only thing I've got to do?  

Where do I set which AD is to be joined?  Does Samba use the
"workgroup" parameter from smb.conf?  Do I have to pay any attention on
how I enter the AD name there, or would "europe.delphiauto.net" do?  

Do I need some sort of adminstrative rights in the AD to be able to

Which security mode would I need to use?  domain?

Besides Samba, which other software/servers do I need on my server?
Kerberos?  I suppose I need to configure it somehow - how?  What do I
have to pay attention to?

I'd be very happy if someone could help me out - FAQ pointers concerning
this are welcome as well!  I've Google'd for answers but could basically
just find questions and sometimes answers regarding Samba 2.2.x and NT
4.0 Domains.

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
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