
Yes Success I have gotten rid of the access denied, unable to connect error messages on both my
samba 2.2.7 and samba 2.2.2 servers.

Thanks go to Stephen Carville for the solution.

It took till today to confirm with my users that the problem has gone away.

Clayton (after enabling SWAT on my samba 2.2.7 test server) I did find the "use client driver" option hidden
in the SWAT "Advanced" page of the Printers queue window and from man smb.conf I search for "/use client"
which says that if you do not upload printer drivers into samba then you will get the access denied, unable to
connect message in the printer queue window even though jobs may successfully be printed. And it says that
"disable spoolss = yes" does the same behavior as the "use client driver = yes" option.

Note1: It does take about a minute for the <opening> message to be replaced by the ready message But I
guess it is authenticating with the NT PDC during this time delay.

Note2: The man page also says not to use this feature if you do upload drivers into samba.

Thanks for everyone's help
At 09:43 PM 2/20/03 -0500, Clayton Slaughter wrote:
Hello Tim,
were you able to find the reference doc below?
use client driver = yes

I searched for driver, client, and use (all of which took
forever) in the man pages. My version 2.2.7a shows a use but
not with a client. It shows a client but only with code page.
Nothing similar to this.

I had this same problem and fixed it by using security = share
instead. I'm hoping to figure out the real culprit and return
to a user based security.


ps. I accessed the pages using "man smb.conf" and used the "/"
to perform finds in the less displayed output.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003, 11:02:02 PM, you wrote:

SC> I had the same problem after upgrading to 2.2.7. You have to add:

SC> use client driver = yes

SC> Either globally or for the individual printer share.

SC> Read the section on the above in the man page for smb.conf for an
SC> explanation.

SC> On Wednesday 19 February 2003 07:35 pm, Tim Kubricht wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I hope this is the right list to submit this request to
>> I have the following problem with samba 2.2.2 that I upgraded
SC> to
>> samba 2.2.7 to try to see if the problem
>> would go away. But I still have the following problem:
>> When I open the Start->Settings->Printers window
>> It shows the printers that I have connected to from the
SC> samba
>> print server printer_name on samba_ip_address
>> It shows <opening> at 1st then changes to <access denied,
SC> unable
>> to connect>
>> and never shows the ready message that I used to get from
SC> a samba
>> 1.9.15p8 server that I updated.
>> * Can someone help me to get rid of the access denied
SC> messages
>> from the Printers window?
>> The following is what I have:
>> My OS is Solaris 8 my PCs are either WinNT4 or Win2000
>> I have set up smb.conf as you can see below
>> With it I can use dos to run net view and it works as
SC> expected
>> I can open Network Neighborhood and find my samba print
SC> server
>> and it will list all the printer shares
>> along with the Printers folder. If I double click the
SC> Printers
>> folder:
>> I can get a list of all the printers and the number of
>> documents that are currently being printed on each
>> printer and If I double-click on a specific printer I
SC> can get
>> the name of the job and person that is printing
>> on the queue. This works as expected. I did not see
SC> this
>> error in any of the Archives or the troubleshooting
>> section that I found or in any of the 3 books I have.
SC> I need
>> your expertise in solving this feature.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
SC> ___________________________________________________________________________
>> smb.conf:# Samba config file created using SWAT
>> # Date: 2003/02/19 10:54:34
>> # Global parameters
>> [global]
>> workgroup = Name_Of_My_Workgroup
>> server string = Samba %v on %h
>> security = SERVER
>> encrypt passwords = Yes
>> map to guest = Bad User <-- used and not
SC> used this
>> option
>> password server = #PDC-Address# #BDC-Address#
>> username map = /usr/local/samba/lib/
>> log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.samba
>> max log size = 50
>> printcap name = /etc/samba-printcap
>> os level = 10
>> preferred master = False
>> local master = No
>> domain master = False
>> dns proxy = No
>> wins server = #Primary-WINs-Address#
>> guest account = ftp <-- local acct & I also
SC> tried lp
>> account
>> hosts allow = ###.###. ###.###. 127. ###=2
SC> subnets at my
>> site
>> printing = bsd
>> [printers]
>> comment = All Printers
>> path = /var/spool/pc-spool <-- priv=rwxrwxrwt
SC> owner=lp
>> read only = No
>> guest ok = Yes
>> printable = Yes
>> browseable = No
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>> instructions:

SC> --
SC> Stephen Carville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
SC> UNIX and Network Administrator
SC> 6033 W. Century Blvd, Ste 1075
SC> Los Angeles, CA 90045
SC> 310-342-3602
SC> ============================================
SC> Well, yes, we've deployed Linux and we're seeing reduced costs and
SC> increased functionality. But our competitors? Linux might be bad for
SC> them. Real bad. Our competitors should stick with what they have
SC> right now.

Clayton mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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