You can see by the subject I've got an ugly problem. Even though I don't have a Samba server anywhere near the network in question, nobody understands browsing as well as the folks on the Samba team. :-)

Here's the situation: I've got two workgroups, FLINTSTONE and RUBBLE which are on physically separate networks. FLINTSTONE has a Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controller; RUBBLE is a simple workgroup. All workstations are either Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional. There is no routing between these networks. However, there are two workstations which are multihomed. More on that in a minute.

Here's the logic (illogic?) of the network:

Segment 1:
* PEBBLES (Windows 2003 Small Business Server Active Directory domain controller)
* FRED Windows XP Pro workstation (multi-homed to Segment 2, member of FLINTSTONE)
* WILMA Windows XP Pro workstation (also multi-homed to Segment 2, member of FLINTSTONE)

Segment 2:
* RUBBLE workgroup
* BETTY Windows 2000 Pro workstation (single-homed, member of RUBBLE)
* BARNEY Windows 2000 Pro workstation (single-homed, member of RUBBLE)
* FLINTSTONE Windows 2000 Pro workstation (single-homed, member of RUBBLE)

The reason that FRED and WILMA are multi-homed is that they both must be able to access the workstations in the RUBBLE workgroup on Segment 2. As you can see, we've got a name conflict: a workstation named the same as the domain. This is, apparently, causing browsing problems for the multi-homed workstations.

Unfortunately, it's not as simple as renaming the FLINTSTONE workstation to BAM-BAM. This network on Segment 2 was set up by another vendor (who, we might add, seems to be rather clueless about Windows networking), and they are afraid to change the name for fear of what it would break. That vendors requirements do not allow routing to other networks. This network is the automation system for a radio station, and "it cannot go down." The domain of Segment 1 cannot be changed, as Small Business Server doesn't allow that.

At this point, I'm not really seeking solutions, but perhaps a technical explanation of what might go on in this situation. Even if there were no naming conflicts, what are the implications of having two multi-homed non-routing Windows machines on common networks?

--Jonathan Johnson
Sutinen Consulting, Inc.

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