Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

I looked into this some more.  It's works a little
differently than I initially thought.  The registry
paths are used to detect the presence of the task
scheduling agent on the remote host.  The actual jobs
are simply stored as files.

In my mind this would fit pretty well as just
a ~/cron directory for a given user.  For example,
it I run a job as jerry, then the job script would
be stored in ~jerry/cron and a crontab entry would
be made in /var/spool/cron/jerry.

I'm still thinking this over.  The other detail
is to figure out the file format used to present
the job properties dialog to Windows.  This is
probably already decoded somewhere (similar to
*lnk files or something).

FYI/FWIW, on my Windows XP machine, the jobs in the local task scheduler are binary files located in the hidden folder %SYSTEMROOT%\Tasks\ with a filename extension of .job.

This folder is one of those "special" folders that Windows Explorer displays differently. You can't copy files into or out of this folder using Explorer, nor can you view any files other than .job files. To copy into, out of, or list the contents of this folder, you're pretty much stuck with a command shell.

To display the properties of a scheduled task, the library mstask.dll is used. Some of the relevent registry keys (an incomplete list) used are:
      (Note, there are several other similarly named keys)

Also, you may find the command line interface to the task scheduler, schtasks.exe, useful. Documentation can be found here:

Hope this helps you & the developers, Jerry. Maybe you already knew all this. :-)

--Jonathan Johnson
Sutinen Consulting, Inc.

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