EHines wrote:
John H Terpstra wrote:
On Friday 07 July 2006 19:27, Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2006-07-07 at 16:54 -0700, Huck wrote:
This link may be of some assistance to those updating from Samba 2.
Since the official Samba documentation is authoritative and actually
covers this subject, pointing to another 3rd party for reference is
likely to cause confusion...especially when a confused administrator
hasn't consumed the official documentation to begin with.


Well, actually, the PHPTR link points to an older copy of the official documentation.

Best advice for newbies is to point them at:

The PDF is easier to read for many, but the HTML link is preferred by others.

You've been fielding a lot of activity for a while now - you know the ropes. Advanced users should consult the HOWTO, and a newbie would easily get lost in the wild woods there. Despite that, most newbies apparently want to master brain surgery before they ever attempt the basics.

John T.
But, but, if we master the brain surgery right off the bat, doesn't this have the basics subsumed in it, and wouldn't this, then, be a more efficient use of everyone's time? The journey of a thousand steps would be immeasurably shortened if we could only skip all that middle part and go right to the last step.... :^)

Yes, you would volunteer for brain surgery if the physician skipped all
that pre-med stuff.  Right?

Eric Hines

Couldn't help myself - Doug
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