Koen Linders a écrit :
I've been looking around for the same problem for some time. I'm quite sure, but anyone correct me if I'm wrong.

It has something to do with windows clients (win2K, XP) trying to get a connection on port 139 and 445. If windows gets a connection on port 445, port 139 is dropped and the error appears in the log. Microsoft OS prefer 445 over 139 (bypassing NetBIOS overhead).

You could avoid this by putting smb ports = 139 in the [global], it forces clients to use NetBIOS services. However smbd and nmbd daemon failed to start for me that way, but it should really work. I didn't gave it a lot time testing, since the error is more of a notification.

I hope this helps.
Koen Linders

Thanks Koen, I try this on...


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