joop gerritse wrote:
I have posted more messages, essentially to the same effect... had quite a few good answers, but somehow I seem to be missing something ... :-(

Well, I told you already about the workgroup DAARO, which refused to show up... I got some suggestions, and, indeed, there it was! I could even log in to it.

And then, next morning, I started up my test network, ... no DAARO. However, after a restart of samba (/etc/rc.d/rc.samba restart) it appeared again. Without any changes in teh config. However, although I saw DAARO, clicking on it gave me an error message (something like "device does not exist" in Dutch). On the other hand, after restarting samba again, still without any changes, I could suddenly log in to the domain.

Well, this is not the clear relation between cause and effect which I prefer. Of course it is unavoidable once you get involved in a Microsoft mess... .

I think it is time to become somewhat more fundamental(ist). I mean, if I ever want to find out what's going on, I will probably have to understand what these lousy sloppy Microsoft protocols really do. And of course, being closed source, this won't be trivial.

Can anyone point out some documents that give information on the internals of MS networking protocols? I think there are some around, but I haven't located them yet...

I think you said you were using Windows 98, correct? IIRC (from my childhood hacking) Windows 98 takes up to 15 minutes to 'see' the network. I think it was a problem with netbui. To test this theory, you could try explicitly putting DAARO in the machines LMHOSTS file.
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